

Topic: Designing a research study- III, Clinical Trial – Phases, Preclinical study and other study designs( Quasi experimental, Factorial, N of 1, Pre and Post study)

Speaker: Dr. Hima Bindu, Research Officer, CCRH

Date: 21/11/2024

Time: 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM


Total Students Attendees 145
Male Students 65
Female Students 80
Staff (Male) 02
Staff (Female) 06
Research Study Image

Faculty development program on “ mastering instrumentation in biomedical research”

Dates: August 22-23, 2024
Venue: Sanidya Hall, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore
Organized by: School of Life Sciences, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, in collaboration with Alva's Homoeopathic Medical College (AHMC), Mangalore
DAY 1: AUGUST 22, 2024
8:45 - 9:10 AM:Breakfast
Inaugural Session (9:15 AM)
Venue: Sanidya Hall
Welcome Address: Mr. Sreejesh P.C., Convenor and Program Coordinator of FDP, HoD of Biotechnology Department
Inaugural Address: Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis SJ, Vice Chancellor, St. Aloysius College
Opening Remarks: Dr. Herald Roshan Pinto, Principal, AHMC
Vote of Thanks: Dr. Jiji George, Organizing Secretary
10:00 AM - 1:15 PM:Workshop
Participants were divided into two batches and attended sessions in the Biotechnology and Microbiology labs.
Batch 1:
1. Characterization of Bioactives in Homoeopathic Medicine Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
Resource person: Mr. Sreejesh P.C., Assistant Professor, Stage III, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Aloysius College
Details: Principle explanation, demonstration, and hands-on experience. Participants had the opportunity to clear doubts.
2. Isolation of DNA from Plants
Resource person: Mr. Sreejesh P.C., Assistant Professor, Stage III, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Aloysius College
Details:Practical session where participants isolated DNA in small groups.
1:15 - 2:15 PM: Lunch Break 2:15 - 4:45 PM:
1. DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Assay and Thin Layer Chromatography
Resource person: Dr. Nagaraj, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Microbiology Details:Theory followed by hands-on experience.
4:45 PM: High Tea and Conclusion of Day 1
DAY 2: AUGUST 23, 2024
8:45 - 9:00 AM:Breakfast 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM:
1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Resource person: Dr. Jiji George, Assistant Professor, Stage III, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Aloysius College
2. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Resource person: Dr. Santhosh Goveas, Assistant Professor, Stage III, Dept. of Biotechnology, St. Aloysius College
3:30 - 3:45 PM:High Tea
3.50 - 4:30 PM: Valedictory Function
Presided by: Pro VC, Rev. Dr Melwyn D’Cunha
Welcome Address: Dr. Shreelalitha Suvarna, Co convener , FDP
Opening Remarks: Dr Adarsha Gowda, chairperson of entrepreneurship and consultancy cell, St Aloysius
Presidential remarks: Rev Dr Melwyn D’Cunha
Feedback: Dr. Sudhamathi, Professor, AHMC and Dr. Indu O S, Associate Professor and Coordinator of Research Committee, AHMC
Certificate Distribution: Rev Dr Melwyn D’Cunha and Dr. Herald Roshan Pinto
Vote of Thanks: Dr Nagaraj, Co organizing secretary, FDP
4:30 PM: National Anthem
The FDP was successfully conducted with active participation from all staff members. The sessions provided valuable hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge, enhancing the skills of the participants in biomedical research instrumentation.

Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D

Workshop on the Topic “Fire and safety mock drill”

FIRE AND SAFETY MOCK DRILL CONDUCTED ON 31/5/2024 Alvas Homoeopathic Medical College conducted fire and safety mock drill on 31/05/2024 by Thaksheel fire and safety equipments in association with Hindustan Institute of Safety Management , Manglore , Karnataka ,A branch of NIFS. Fire and safety officer Mr Harish HP and Mr Nobert Rodrigues along with their staffs gave awareness and mock drill on fire accident for faculty staff and workers. All faculty participated in the drill Date – 31/05/2024 Name of the event-Fire and safety mock drill Venue – AHMC Mock drill was carried out in college to prepare the staffs and students for the fire risk reduction programme.
The purpose to organise mock drill was to check the readiness of staff , workers and students to face any fire emergency and also to make students and staff aware about fire fighting rescue operation.
A group of teachers and students volunteered to guide and assist the students in the mock fire and evacuation drill. The fire and safety mock drill was conducted in the assembly area .Mock drill was monitored by fire and safety committee chairperson , members and student council of Alvas Homoeopathic Medical College

Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D

Workshop on the Topic Clinical Meeting April 2024

A clinical meeting was conducted on 24 th of April in final year classroom at 11:00 AM. The case was distributed among students priorly and all had individually worked out according to the directives given by the guide Ms Rajalakshmi (Intern) All directives were discussed well, starting from disease diagnosis till the final choice of remedy. The meeting was moderated by Dr Shriraksha B and Dr Sasitharan. The case discussion was concluded by the guide and Phosphorus was the remedy prescribed. Evaluation report was taken from all the participants at the end of the clinical meeting.

Dr. Deepak R D
Dr. Deepak R D

CME on the Topics “How to reach similimum in paediatric cases & Video microscopic assessment of Hair, different types of Hair loss and Homoeopathic management”

on 02/07/2023 by Dr Sanjay Panicker for Faculty, Students and Interns from 10am-2pm.


CME on the topic “Secrets to build a roaring Clinical Practice”

on 18/06/2023 by Dr Alex Kurian for Faculty and Interns from 9am-2pm.


CME on the topic “Clinical Tips for Beginners”

on 04/05/2023 by Dr Shreepad Hegde for Faculty, Students and Interns from 11.30am-4.30pm.


CME on the topic “Homoeopathic Approach in Special Children”

on 02/04/2023 by Dr Guruprasad M N for Faculty, Students and Interns from 11.00am-1.00pm.


CME on the topic “Clinic and Clinical Tips”

on 26/03/2023 by Dr Aneesh Kumar S for Faculty and Interns from 10.00am-12.00pm.


Session on the topic- “Mental Health- Challenges and Needs”

by Dr Manas on 25/02/2023 from 9.00am to 1.00pm for Students and Faculty.


CME on the topic “Clinical tips for beginners and use of Mother Tincture in Daily Practice”

on 12/02/2023 by Dr Ambily B for Faculty and Interns from 10.00am-12.00pm.


Workshop on the Topic “Building a Homoeopathic Tool Kit - an Indo- German perspective”

on 21/01/2023 by Dr Nicola Coutinho for Faculty, Students and Interns from 9.00am-4.00pm.






DAY 1, ​​session 1 - guest speaker






Cultural show


DAY 2, ​session 1 - guest speaker


DAY 2, ​session 2 - guest speaker

